Brooke Monk: The Path Not Taken - Chapter 1 - TronLegacy29013 - Brooke Monk (2024)

Chapter Text


Don’t Stand So Close To Me

This story and its subsequent follow-ons are a work of pure fiction. This is merely a story and should be treated as such.


From an early age I’d known exactly what I wanted to do with my life. Some wanted to have three kids, settle down and marry, some wanted to be builders owning their own home built by their own hands and others wanted to be rich making their first million by twenty-one. All admirable of course. I thought, even as young as five years old on my first day at school many years ago now, I knew I wanted to be a teacher.

I loved every aspect of learning and you can call me a nerd or a geek but if you’ve been anywhere in the last decade or so you’ll see that geek is kinda the new cool. I mean D&D is now the basis for a show called Stranger Things. Superheroes assault every market in the world being on both the big screen and the silver screen.

But, I'd never wanted the job for any other reason than I loved seeing the pride of a young person light up when I’d guided them to an answer they knew all along. It was a drug to me, not that I endorsed drugs of course.

It had been a passion of mine ever since I used to set up my G.I Joe’s and my Action Man toys like a classroom. Okay, I’ll admit that was a little geeky. But, even so I loved the idea and almost immediately after graduating (ahem I graduated a year earlier, not bragging) I went straight to college to get my degree. I had always been an over achiever of sorts so making my degree in less than the full time was almost a personal challenge I posted for myself.

I met the deadline… and then finished my bachelors in record time (literally I got a medal and all) and then a further year I was a fully qualified teacher with my specialty lying in English Literature and a minor in Technology. It was an odd assortment of degrees for sure but I was proud of myself. I ad set a goal and reached it. By only my second year out of college I had a full time gig at a private school in Burbank. The curriculum was a little out of the norm being for kids who were also working. And I don’t mean normal work like you or I, no sir. The likes that walked these halls were the new age of celebrity adjacent. Whether they be TikTok stars or musicians even actors. To say it was a strange setup was well, an understatement.

I had learned the rigid side of things, what some might call archaic. Until my placement, I never even knew such an establishment even existed. I was used to a strict schedule of learning between the hours of eight and three but there was no such barrier here. Nothing existed to separate the working hours and my personal life. That in essence meant, I had none.

But it didn’t bother me too much. I’d never really been one for dating and anything family wise was always held at my parents house. As for friends, well… I didn’t really have many. There was Rikki from college. She’d been my main competition but we haven't really met up much since. Um, Jesse. My best mate from high school. But again, not really in contact much these days.

I had so much to learn about the way things worked here. From all the hours teaching to the upper class work functions with donors and ilk to gather funds. Don’t get me wrong I was eternally grateful. There were many perks to the position namely the paycheck. The thing to remember is that I went from poor high school student, to poor college student, to poor adult in that order.

Seeing the first paycheck made my eyes water thinking a camera crew were hiding in the shadows or that the pay clerk had misprinted the decimal point. Not so. I was literally rolling in it these days.


After the first week woes were gone and with a paycheck burning a hole, I made plans to go out and celebrate, well me. It is okay to celebrate yourself once in a while after all. Not to mention it was perhaps the first time since sixteen that I’d just be able to stand in place for a moment.

I did my primping with the usual three S’s. You know, s**t, shower, shave. Slapping a rather obtuse amount of after shave on I tossed on a clean shirt (I gave it the sniff test to check) and a clean pair of jeans. With my hair greased back I looked a little ashamedly like an extra in Billy Joel’s Uptown Girl’ .

I had no time to correct it though with the Ubber sitting outside waiting. Taking my wallet and keys I left the house for my first night out in what seemed like a lifetime. So long it had been in fact that sweat had begun forming on my cheek from the anticipation. I hadn’t been in a club since we used to sneak in with fake ID’s when I was fifteen. I was only just over a decade older now but still it felt so out of the norm. For me, I guess it was.

Getting to the club finally somewhere in Hollywood I wasn’t really sure. I’d honestly chosen the club because of its name; Avalon. You know, like Arthurian lore. Okay, maybe I was a geek.

It seemed to be a circus with people outside queuing right down the stretch. Thankfully I had a connection (ha, look at me talking like an adult over here in his big boy pants) I wasn’t too sure what the commotion was for but little did I care either. I wasn’t really one for celeb spotting. Living in California most of my life meant I’d run into a lot of people really and the NDA’s on me at school meant I was prohibited from talking about the students and their parents.

I went straight to the front of the line handing over my ID to the bouncer, the largest Samoan man I think I’d ever seen making the Rock look like The Pebble. He ushered me through getting the red rope treatment. A colleague from a past life hooked me up with a booth and free bottle service. He was some sort of… rich kid from England whose grudge match with his father meant giving the black card a healthy spending spree. I’m not sh*tting you he went out and brought a Camero after seeing Transformers just once.

Walking through the doors I was blasted in the ears with some god awful tune from TikTok. What the hell was wrong with real music guys. Geez. I guess I’d always been an old soul.

Escorted to my booth I felt like the star of the night. “Sir, Mister Grace sends his regards. He hopes you’ll like the bottle service. Would you like us to send some of the girls over?”

I wasn’t sure whether to be mortified at the way the staff sold women for a price or that I looked like I needed a hand out. My upper class teaching dictated I show some decorum however. “No. Thank you. I, I can get my own drinks.” And woman, I wanted to add deciding on the gentlemanly action and smiling. I’d done that my whole life, placating others. It was exhausting but, hey why rock the boat right.

I set myself down in my booth seeing the club file in with all sorts. From the random guy wearing a boa feather scarf and no shirt (wait was LMFAO here, or Macklemore) to a girl wearing… oh god nothing, Okay. That kind of club was it.

Around the central dance floor were small stages with girls and cages. It was, let's call it decadent to avoid any misunderstandings shall we. Strobe lights brighter and I assume hotter than the surface of the sun burned out my retina while I sat there lonely. I couldn’t have felt more insulted by the earlier comment so I decided to blow a significant portion of my new paycheck on some drinks. Making my way to the bar I was hit by mosh pitting teens and bodies strewn recklessly.

Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Well, let me explain. It was like Survivor except more brutal. Every person for themselves feeds his or her own ego tossing their arms round in a wild arc with no care for the others around.

Trying to squeeze my way through seemed less than achievable so I was effectively stuck on the dancefloor to some rattle about juice. I really didn't understand music these days. Where were the good old R&B hits from the early 2000’s am I right. The sweaty dogpile I found myself in suddenly opened up to a clearing. Like a pilot searching for an emergency landing I was ever relieved to see it. Taking a step at a time I found myself at the center of the pile. Turning my back for a second I found myself tumbling like a true clutts. My hands of course reached out to stabilize myself and in a club with bodies everywhere there were… limited options.

Grabbing what I hoped was a rather big man's bicep I pulled myself up only to see how truly embarrassing my situation was.

Brooke Monk: The Path Not Taken - Chapter 1 - TronLegacy29013 - Brooke Monk (1)

“I’m so sorry I was, just.. I lost my balance and…”

Where at first the situation had me tongue tied it was replaced by how stunning she was. “I.. um…You were just…”

She took my hand placing it up to her shoulder instead. “I can't say I’ve ever heard that line before.” A dirty grin spread across the dancing seductresses cheeks.

“I… am… sorry. I mean.”

“Well, hi sorry. I’m Brooke.” Mmmm. Brooke. That was a sexy name if ever there was one.

I quickly pushed away sweeping hand on my pants removing any excess sweat and going in for a handshake. Wanting to do this the gentlemanly way I was raised. That of course is not how it went down.

From behind me, one of the other courteous patrons of Avalon shoved me full force so that my hand, no matter how good my intentions were, slipped between her crotch and my face, well… I’m sure you can guess. But for the visual, imagine the hottest girl at your school and then you, a geek (yeah I was just gonna own it now) had his pants pulled down in front of her. This was that, but perhaps worse somehow. With my open mouth ready to retry my introduction I not only had my face on her ample tit*, I had my lips pressed rather awkwardly on them.

To my surprise waiting for the slap I felt inevitable, instead I felt her hand on my back helping me stand. “Usually a guy buys me a drink first before I let him touch my tit*…” I was ready, the hit was coming.

But she pressed back with a devilish grin. “Lucky your cute.” I think under the fluorescent lights she could still see me blush as her reaction was to take my hand and place it on her ass instead.

I had never been the ‘cute’ guy before. I mean, I wasn’t too shabby looking in my own opinion, I worked out, ate healthy, even did the Boston Marathon last year. But still, this woman really meant it.

Brooke Monk: The Path Not Taken - Chapter 1 - TronLegacy29013 - Brooke Monk (2)

We moved as one, our bodies taking over as we let go of our inhibitions and the music flowed through us. It worked over me flowing from my pulse to hers and back again as we pressed our bodies together. Brooke was a devil with her hands teasing out testosterone fuelled darker side. Dropping in front of me only to rise slowly… ever slower back to her feet making sure her hands followed the entire time. I was at her mercy feeling a pulsing between my thighs.

I was close to needing a swift exit. “Brooke… I…”

“What?” My timid voice was lost in the sea of people.

“Brooke.. I’m gonna get a drink. Do you want one?”

I took her hand and pointed out the bar. She shook her head but I still wasn’t sure she had a clue what I’d offered.

I pushed through the crowd holding the hand of my gorgeous savior in the other. A moment later we popped free of the crowds to an almost empty bar.

“What do you want?” I had to speak louder to catch her attention as I was afraid I was already losing her.

“Um… I’m good. Anything really.”

I looked at the menu but my contacts had somehow worked free during my clumsy fall and so it was like trying to read in a sandstorm, a very loud, very bright sandstorm. I tossed it aside, ordering the only thing I knew. “Sex on the beach.”

Brooke Monk: The Path Not Taken - Chapter 1 - TronLegacy29013 - Brooke Monk (3)

That most definitely caught her attention. “Wow, straight to second base on the first go and now sex on the beach aye. I mean it's probably a little cold out but, I’m keen.”

I was glad to not have a drink as I was pretty sure it would have ended up spit in her face. “Pardon?”

“It was a joke. You’re pretty cute, you know.”

“Thanks. I shouted back. Clubs were weird. “I mean, you too.”

“I think I know that already.” She pushed my legs open a little pointing out my massive erection.

“f*ck. I mean, frick. Don’t. I’m… I’m sorry…”

“Your a cute puppy.” She laughed. “Wanna get out of here? We could… get to know one another better.”

I’m stupid, not gay. I grabbed her hand as we sped out of there. “Whoa tiger, bit keen aren’t yah.”

“Oh you have no idea.” I kept walking with pace till the Uber appeared umping straight in the back I took her in my arms.

Kiss after kiss fell just right. Her lips were supple and she knew just how to work them. “You… I never got your name handsome.”


Brooke Monk: The Path Not Taken - Chapter 1 - TronLegacy29013 - Brooke Monk (4)

‘Okay, Harper. Kiss me.”

I was good at following orders and thanks to my job, good at giving them out also. “If you say so.”

In the reflection of the mirror in the front our driver looked more than a little disgusted at us. I remembered a time being a Lyft driver out of college. I had been on the opposite side of this very situation and let me tell you it was definitely more fun on the other side.

We reached my place which was about a fifteen minute drive and believe me my balls were bluer than the daytime sky by that point. I shot the driver a thumbs up and wrestled for my keys, dropping them into the shallow ditch in my garden. “Wait… don’t move.” I was breathing heavily from the lack of oxygen after sucking her face so thoroughly. “One second.”

I dove into the rosebush beside my door to fish out my keys being pricked in all the ways that weren’t fun. After about exactly a minute I found the keys and rose (see what I did there. Sorry you'll have to deal with it. I'm an English Teacher.) I took the keys simulating my tongue in the same moment darting in and out of the lock with zero to no direction. Eventually the lock either grew tired of being deep throated and gave in or somehow I managed to find the right key. I say the former.

We barely made it in the front door and now we needed to fumble our way to the bedroom. Fudge. No not the delicious food, I just didn’t really like swearing. Somehow even my aversion to religion seemed like it would be disappearing once I hit the bed with the world's most forgiving brunette.

“That way… that way, " I pointed as Brooke was in front of me guiding us. Almost falling over my kitty litter box we even managed our way to the room surprisingly.

Brooke jumped on the bed quickly helping to unbuckle me. Her hands were even quicker than her lips working swiftly to free me. Not a second past before my pants hit the floor with the clinking of my belt to echo.

Before she finished me out, a thought passed me, I was glad I bought new underwear. I think Spiderman undies would have spoiled the moment just a little.

Brooke worked furiously, popping her hand inside my jocks to a surprised look on her face.

Brooke Monk: The Path Not Taken - Chapter 1 - TronLegacy29013 - Brooke Monk (5)

“And where were you hiding this aye mister.”

I cupped her pouty round chin. “In your mouth.”

“Wha…” Without protest she took me. All of me. I had expected an inch, maybe, two tops. Nope. She took me all. Given I wasn’t the biggest man alive but still. I was impressed. These LA ladies were something else.

“Ackkk. Ackkk. Ackkk.” Someone was jealous of the lock from earlier I think. I even tried to give her some slack moving back an inch but she wasn’t having it. Oh no. Brooke wanted it all, and Brooke got it all. Every glorious inch.

Her hands were cold but I didn't mind it. The contrast to my own sweaty skin was nice to offset the fact I’d wanted to break since we were at the bar. I closed my eyes, not to enjoy it, though I was, but to silently pray to a god I did not otherwise believe in. But come on, Brooke on your co*ck and you would believe anything also.

She slipped it out after a few more tugs on my ass cheeks turning her eyes glassy.

“Ride me. Do it.” I heard something from our encounter I hadn’t till now, a small amount of urgency. She had lost her composure from the bar. Now the two of us had switched roles. I was the confident one and she was the one fumbling.

“It would be my pleasure.” Oh my god. Seriously. I wouldn’t let me f*ck me if I heard that. Thankfully, I don’t think she did hear me as she was now attached to the headboard using her hands to stabilize herself.

I climbed onto the bed behind her kissing along the sides of her waist and up into the small of her back seeing a tattoo I don’t think I was supposed too. It read, ‘Daddy’s Girl’. And I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the daddy we all had either. Someone was not the good girl she seemed to be. Intriguing.

I lifted her skirt, if you could call it that, the thing must of measured a few inches at most. I pulled it up nonetheless to see her in all her wet glory. Moist and ready to be played with. I had the opportunity and so I did kissing her and reeling in the flavor as it washed around my mouth coating my taste buds.

“Hey, not the thing I want in there thank you.”

“Only fair I get a taste right, you did.”

She giggled. She had such a cute laugh I’m not even sure she knew it would come out when it did with a little snort at the end. “Fine, fine. You had your taste, now ride me.”

“Yes ma’am.” My God I was useless at dirty talk.

I took my wandering co*ck and placed it at her entrance carefully to avoid the exit, if you know what I mean. It slipped in with ease as her puss* was already soaking wet by the time I did.

“Ohhh… ohhhh.”

She was a piece of art Brooke was. From her curvaceous chest to her round rump. Not to be shallow but I had never seen a finer ass on a woman than Brooke.

“Yes… ohhhh… ohhhh…” She was making work on the headboard. For the reason alone I was glad I lived in a stand alone apartment or the neighbors would for sure be making sound complaints. She made it sound like we were doing some form of woodworking which now that I think of it I guess we were to a degree.

“f*ck… Harper… stick me… stick me with that harpoon.” How creative. Sexy and intelligent, tick.

Neither of us wanted it to end but the inevitable was coming, ironically.

“Brooke, ahhh Brooke.”

“Harper… oh Harper.”

We sung each other's praises with both our muscles contractions happening in conjunction with one another. “Ohh f*ck… Harper.” She turned around facing me.

Brooke Monk: The Path Not Taken - Chapter 1 - TronLegacy29013 - Brooke Monk (6)

“I’m… I'm…” She was clearly trying to say something but our bodies refused to listen. She moved back up the bed to the headboard only this time grabbing me in its stead; my shoulders to be exact.

“What… what is it Brooke?” My steam was running low with swiftness. I barely held back but I listened to her and seeing her face was a little worried.

“I’ll take it out.”

“No.” She said swifter than I could react, taking my lips and kissing me. “I want you too. Fill me. Fill my puss*.”

“Are you sure, I can take it out, I don't care.” Of course I cared but no man was turning down that face.

“I’m sure.” She reassured me leaning in to kiss me again and then haphazardly almost moving my lips to bear down on her neck. “Right there. Bite it.”

I nibbled hearing her request which seemed to only sharpen her reflexes. She moved up with me, her hips meeting every time in the embrace. “Ohhhh, babe, babe, I’m cumming… I’m cumming.” I released her neck only to find her lips rather and kiss her deeper. She pulled at my shoulders dropping my full weight onto her as I came.

Brooke Monk: The Path Not Taken - Chapter 1 - TronLegacy29013 - Brooke Monk (7)

My body could no longer resist her losing all that I was worth I broke the seal and emptied inside her. Brushing ever close along her womb I blew chunks of white fresh hot sem*n inside her. ‘Aghhhhhhh.” we moaned in unison.

“f*ck…. f*ck…”

My co*ck slipped out of her warmth to the stinging cold of the night air.

Tucking under the sheets we both fell into the embrace of night. A final kiss to seal the deed.


I felt commotion in the night but given my exhaustion I was too tired to check forgetting Brooke was there if I’m honest.

The next morning I woke for the first time in months well and truly famished. Reaching over to were she lay next to me the night before I found the bed cold and empty. Placing my hands behind my head I was still reminiscing over the night spent with the gorgeous brunette. It hadn’t been a dream, a fever dream perhaps.

I hadn’t woken like this for some time. A few tinder dates here and there but they usually ended after coffee. It was a little shame she hadn’t stayed for breakfast but I guess she needed to get up early for work wherever that was. Settling the bed and smoothing out the sheets, because, yes I was that anal attentive, I found a crisp white note scrawled hastily under the pillow:

‘Thanks for the fun night H. Maybe next time we can go to the beach. xx.”

Saucy thing. I turned it over to see her number inked quickly. ‘Sounds like fun.’ I muttered to myself.

Making my way to the kitchen I found what appeared to be a thin white pair of lacy underwear. Wait, was she even wearing any? Things fell so hot and heavy so quickly I barely remembered my own name.

What was this, another note:

‘In case you have a long day and need a rest.’ Beside her thong. Wow, who did I meet last night?

I took down a quick coffee, threw myself in the shower for a rinse and shave and headed off for Monday. Ehhhh, Monday. I sounded like Garfield. I snuck the pair of warm panties into my pocket in case… you know, of a boring day as stated.

Little did I know the day I was about to have was anything but boring.


Brooke Monk: The Path Not Taken - Chapter 1 - TronLegacy29013 - Brooke Monk (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.