[GUIDE] Warlords a massive guide for beginners and experienced players (2024)



This guide is aimed at newcomers in the field of Warlords already more experienced players can look at this guide of course, but this guide goes into great detail what more experienced players already know so bear with me.

If you have any additions, write them under the guide or send me a personal message via Discord or the Hypixel forum. (Information is above)

If mistakes have crept in please don't insult me etc. but just let me know.

I know that there are already Warlords guides, but not necessarily in-depth beginner-friendly guides and also partly outdated.

at the time of publication, the guide is not yet finished and will be continuously improved etc. until it is said that the guide is perfect and no longer needs to be improved.

This guide is structured in sequence, which means that technical terms may have been discussed in previous sections, and you may not understand them because you started in a part further back.

Change log

  1. Minor content errors were eliminated through the feedback
  2. These parts have been added due to individual members who find them important: When you are in the game, a few tips on how to get better and Some further information about the resource package
  3. Formatting was revised
  4. Additional pictures were added a few were also removed
  5. The download link to the official resource package of Warlords has been added under the section: "Some further information about the resource package"
  6. The section "Some useful commands" was added


» 1. A little introduction

» 2. Where can I find warlords?

» 3. The warlords lobby a first overview

» 4. Classes?

» 5. Coins for what and how

» 6. Class Combat Upgrades

» 7. The gamemodes

» 8. When you are in the game, a few tips on how to get better

» 9. Weapon smith & Weapon System

» 10. Some further information about the resource package

» 11. Abbreviations in Warlords

» 12. Some useful commands

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1. Game-Introduction

You can play as a Mage, Warrior, Shaman, or Paladin in Capture the Flag Domination or in the Deathmatch gamemode. Participate in epic PvP battles like you've never seen before with custom 3D weapons, class helms and much more!

2. Where can I find warlords?

You can get into the Warlords lobby in three different ways:
1. you can type /lobby Warlords in the chat to get into the lobby or the short version: /l Wl
2. via the compass: go to a main lobby (/lobby, /l) and go to the compass in your inventory now the game menu opens with all games of Hypixel.
Warlords have an enchanted stone axe as icon if you found the axe click on it, and you are in the Warlords lobby.
3. about the NPC: you go again into a main lobby and go to the NPC's quite far right in the back stands a blue dressed NPC, click on him, and you are again in the Warlords lobby.
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3. The warlords lobby a first overview

The lobby of Warlords contains many important components that are very important for the actual game. It's not just a lobby like in Bedwars where there are only the NPC's and the familiar stuff, no, this is where it gets interesting or confusing for new players.
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When you enter the lobby and go to the front, you see the three Warlords game NPC's left Capture the Flag, middle Domination, right: Team Deathmatch to the individual game modes I explain later in more detail.
If you look behind the game NPC's, you will see a very significant aspect of Warlords, the classes.
There at these four statues you can familiarize yourself with the classes and look at their abilities, which I will explain all.
If you now look to the right or left, you will see the weapon smith (Will also be explained).
When you go from the place where you spawn in the Warlords lobby to the right and turn 180°, you should see an entrance to the "Hall of Weapons".
If you go in there, you can see all the weapons (and the few armors) and can admire them with all the custom textures.
If you go from the spawn to the left, you can still look at the leaderboards, but these are not so important.
The first part is just done, process all this information first and when you understand all these aspects you can come back and read more, otherwise it will be really too complicated.

4. Classes?

What's cool about Warlords is you can change your play style. You want to stay behind and support your teammates, no problem, there is a class for that.
You want to be in the middle of the action and push your team, there is a class for that!
Furthermore, you want to be defensive or aggressive there is a class for everything, so before you start playing you should get to know the classes to optimize the game for your playstyle.View attachment 2870355
In many other games for example Speed UHC, Skywars and so on you can choose kits which change your game style but not soooo much in Wl (=Warlords) it changes a lot I can only say.
The 4 main classes in Wl are the following: Mage, Shaman, Warrior, and Paladin.
As if 4 classes were not already complicated enough with what you have to deal with, each main class so Mage, Shaman, Fighter, and Paladin has another 3 subclasses (specializations).
Which are all designed for different things.
But you can divide each subclass of a main class roughly the first subclass is the damage oriented class the second is the more defensive oriented class and the third subclass is more healing or support oriented.
The following table shows all this a bit more clearly.
You can see your specialization at the four statues and buy or activate them.

healing- support-orientedAquamancerEarthwardenRevenantProtector

Here is an overview of the individual abilities of each specialization.

MageMain ability (Right-klick)First abilitySecond abilityThird abilityFourth ability
PyromancerFireballFlame BurstTime WarpArcane ShieldInferno
CyromancerFrostboltFreezing BreathTime WarpArcane ShieldIce Barrier
AquamancerWater BoltWater BreathTime WarpArcane ShieldHealing Rain

ShamanMain ability (Right-klick)First abilitySecond abilityThird abilityFourth ability
ThunderlordLightning BoltChain LightningWindfury WeaponLightning RodCapacitor Totem
SpiritguardFallen SoulsSpirit LinkSoulbinding WeaponRepentanceDeath's Debt
EarthwardenEarthen SpikeBoulderEarthliving WeaponChain HealHealing Totem

WarriorMain ability (Right-klick)First abilitySecond abilityThird abilityFourth ability
BerserkerWounding StrikeSeismic WaveGround SlamBlood LustBerserk
DefenderWounding StrikeSeismic WaveGround SlamInterveneLast Stand
RevenantCrippling StrikeReckless ChargeGround SlamOrbs of LifeUndying Army

PaladinMain ability (Right-klick)First abilitySecond abilityThird abilityFourth ability
AvengerAvenger's StrikeConsecrateLight InfusionHoly RadianceAvenger's Wrath
CrusaderCrusader's StrikeConsecrateLight InfusionHoly RadianceInspiring Presence
ProtectorProtector's StrikeConsecrateLight InfusionHoly RadianceHammer of Light

Now we come to the explanations of the individual abilities. first the main abilities.

MageMain Ability (Right-klick)Explanation
PyromancerFireballShoots a fireball that deals damage. 15% extra damage on a direct hit. (Maximum range 50 blocks)
CryomancerFrostboltShoots a Frostbolt that deals damage. 30% extra damage on a direct hit.
Slows players down by a certain percentage (Maximum range 30 blocks)
AquamancerWater BoltShoots a Water Bolt that deals damage or heals teammates. 15% extra damage or healing on a direct hit. (Maximum range 40 blocks)

ShamanShaman Main Ability (Right-klick)Explanation
ThunderlordsLightning BoltThrows a fast lightning bolt which causes damage. Each hit on a target reduces the cooldown of Chain Lightning.
(Maximum range 60 blocks)
SpiritguardFallen SoulsSummons a wave of Fallen Souls that cause damage. Each enemy that is hit decreases Spirit Link's cooldown by 2 seconds.
EarthwardenEarthen SpikeSends an earth spike which follows the target and comes out of the ground, causing damage to the target and other nearby enemies.

WarriorMain Ability (Right-klick)Explanation
BerserkerWounding StrikeHit the targeted player and cause damage. When you hit opponents with Wounding Strike, they are wounded and receive 35% less healing as long as the effect lasts.
DefenderWounding StrikeHit the targeted player and cause damage. When you hit opponents with Wounding Strike, they are wounded and receive 35% less healing as long as the effect lasts.
RevenantCrippling StrikeStrike the targeted player and deal damage to him. If you hit him he is crippled for 3 seconds crippled players deal less damage.

PaladinMain Ability (Right-klick)Explanation
AvengerAvenger's StrikeHit the targeted player and cause damage. When you hit opponents with Avenger's Strike, you also remove energy from your target.
CrusaderCrusader's StrikeHit the targeted player and cause damage. When you hit opponents with Crusader's Strike, you restore energy to two allies.
ProtectorProtector's StrikeHit the targeted player and cause damage. When you hit opponents withProtector's Strike, you heal two nearby team members for a certain percentage of the damage done. and heal yourself for a smaller percentage.

Here are the normal abilities.

Mage: AbilitysExplanation
Flame BurstFires a flame which explodes with some damage. The chance to critically hit an enemy increases by 1% for each block covered, up to 100%.
Freezing BreathShoots an ice bolt which causes damage. If hit, the enemy is slowed down for 2 sec. A direct hit deals 30% more damage to the enemy.
Water BreathBreathe water forward in a cone which heals you and allies. Also knocks enemies back.
Time WarpPlace a time rune which teleports you back to that rune after 5 seconds of placement. You will also gain some health.
Arcane ShieldSurround yourself with arcane energy that protects you. And repels a certain amount of damage. Holds for 6 seconds. If a certain amount of damage has already been absorbed, your shield will collapse before the 6 seconds.
InfernoIncreases your critical chance and your crit multiplier for a certain time.
Ice BarrierSurrounds you with cold air which weakens damage from enemies. Also slows enemies by 20% for 2 seconds. Ice barrier holds for 6 seconds.
Healing RainSummon rain on the spot you are targeting that heals you and allies every second. Holds for 10 seconds.

Shaman: AbilitysExplanation
Chain LightningDischarge a lightning bolt that causes damage to the target and jump to two more targets within 10 blocks. The damage is reduced with each jump. You get 10% damage resistance for each target hit up to 30%. This spell holds for 4 seconds.
Spirit LinkYou connect your spirit with up to 3 enemy players, the first one hit receives damage. The other two receive 20% less than the first. You get 40% speed for 1.5 seconds. You suffer an additional 20% less damage for a certain time.
BoulderThrow a large boulder that shatters and causes damage to enemies standing near the point of impact, who are also knocked back slightly.
Windfury WeaponInfuses your weapon with the power of the earth, giving each of your melee attacks some chance to heal you and two nearby allies for a conscience of weapon damage. Lasts for 8 seconds.
Soulbinding WeaponYour melee attacks bind enemies for 2 seconds. Against bound targets, your Spirit Link heals you, plus two allies. Your next fallen souls reduce the cooldown of all abilities by 1.5 seconds (for 2 allies 0.5 seconds). The boosts can be activated for each melee hit. 12 seconds ability duration.
Earthliving WeaponYou illuminate your weapon with the power of the earth. Each of your melee attacks has a certain chance of healing you and 2 nearby allies. On your first melee strike, Earth Living is guaranteed. Lasts 8 seconds.
Lightning RodCall down a high-energy lightning bolt on yourself, which restores your some health and energy and knocks back any nearby enemies.
RepentanceTaking damage empowers your damaging abilities and melee hits, restoring health and energy based on of the damage you've recently took. Lasts 10 seconds.
Chain HealDischarge an energy-rich lightning bolt which heals you and two allies. The lightning bolt heals 10% less per jump between the players. For each ally healed, Boulder's cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds.
Capacitor TotemPlace a highly conductive totem on the ground. Casting Chain Lightning or Lightning Rod on the totem will cause it to pulse, dealing damage to all nearby players. Lasts 8 Sekunden.
Death's DebtPlace a totem that delays the damage you would receive. Turns into Death's Debt after a few seconds. Or when you leave the blocks radius.
Death's Debt: You must receive the delayed damage for 6 seconds. The totem heals nearby allies by a certain percentage of the damage you have taken. If you survive, you deal 15% of the damage you took to nearby enemies.
Healing TotemPlace a pulsating totem on the ground which heals nearby allies. Just before it disappears, pulse once more and release a final massive healing wave.

Warrior: AbilitysExplanation
Seismic WaveSend an incredible wave forward which deals damage to enemies and pushes them away.
Reckless ChargeCharge forward and deal damage to all enemies you run over. Hit enemies are immobilised and cannot move for 0.5 seconds. If you are carrying a flag, the charge is reduced.
Ground SlamHit the ground and create a gigantic shockwave that causes damage to nearby enemies. The shockwave also knocks enemies back a little.
Blood LustYou go into a bloodlust and heal yourself for a percentage from the damage you inflict.
InterveneProtect the targeted ally and reduce the damage they would take by 100% and redirect 50% of the damage to you. You can protect your target from a maximum of 3600 damage and you must not be more than 15 blocks away from each other.
Orbs of LifeWhen you hit enemies, they drop life orbs which the enemy drops and lays around for a certain amount of time. when an ally picks up these orbs, they are healed. Other allies in the vicinity will also be healed but not as much. Lasts 12 seconds.
BerserkerYou go into a berserker rage which increases your damage by 25% and your movement speed by 30% as long as the effect is active you get 10% more damage.
Last StandYou take a defensive stance in which you take less damage for 12 seconds. The damage your nearby allies take is also reduced slightly for 6 seconds. You are healed by the amount of damage prevented to allies.
Undying ArmyIf you or nearby allies take fatal damage in the next 10 seconds of proximity, they are revived with 100% health but take a certain amount of true damage every second. Allies who are not resurrected receive healing based on their missing health 10 seconds after this ability is used.

Paladin: AbilitysExplanation
ConsecrateConsecrate the ground beneath your feet and declare it sacred. Enemies standing on it take damage and suffer increased damage from your paladin strikes. Lasts for 5 seconds.
Light InfusionYou restore energy and become 40% faster.
Holy RadianceRadiates sacred energy that heals you and nearby allies.
Avenger's WrathBurst with incredibly holy power so that you hit a maximum of two players next to your actual target if they are within 5 blocks of the original target. You also regenerate more energy. Lasts 12 seconds.
Inspiring PresenceYour presence on the battlefield inspires your allies who restore more energy and are faster as long as the effect lasts.
Hammer of LightThrow a hammer of light on the ground which deals damage to nearby enemies and heals nearby allies. if someone is standing on the hammer you can break through shields and defences with your Protector's Strike. Lasts 8 seconds.

Once you have chosen a class, read through the skills/abilitys of your specialization again and understand them, for example, if you know exactly what skill to use in what situation.
Remember, once you understand it, it's even more fun to play the game!
In the next part we will discuss the Coin System which is also related to your class, so pay attention and be sure you want to play this class first.

5. Coins for what and how

The coin system is similar to the coin systems of the other Hypixel games, but it is a very important factor for the game, unlike for example BedwarsView attachment 2870372 where you can "only" buy cosmetic items with your coins.
I know that in other games like TNT Games you can spend your coins for game improvements, but this is no comparison to the Wl coin system.
Coins are mainly used to improve your class.
You can choose one of the four classes (Mage, Shaman, Warrior, Paladin) and the maximum improvement level is 90.
So if you have improved your mage class to level 20, all three subclasses or specializations are at level 20, you only have to improve the main classes and not each specialization.
Earning coins is actually quite simple, you have to play the game.
Later it becomes more and more tedious to level up your class, but that is normal.
Quests, be it daily or weekly, give a massive amount of coins.
Another and probably the most efficient way would be to buy network boosters for Wl and then earn a massive amount of coins through your network boosters.

6. Class Combat Upgrades

Class Combat upgrades are improvements to basic characteristics such as life, energy, etc.

To get to the class upgrades, click on the emerald and then on the second item in the bottom row.
These basic features will only be improved for the class you have currently selected, so beware.

Health Upgrade: increases your base health by n% when using the currently selected class.

1.Increase your base health by 1%Cost: 780 Coins
2.Increase your base health by 2%Cost: 1175 Coins
3.Increase your base health by 3%Cost: 1875 CoinsRequires: Lv5
4.Increase your base health by 4%Cost: 3200 CoinsRequires: Lv15
5.Increase your base health by 5%Cost: 5750 CoinsRequires: Lv25
6.Increase your base health by 6%Cost: 10 950 CoinsRequires: Lv35
7.Increase your base health by 7%Cost: 21 875 CoinsRequires: Lv45
8.Increase your base health by 8%Cost: 45 950 CoinsRequires: Lv55
9.Increase your base health by 9%Cost: 101 250 CoinsRequires: Lv80

1.Decrease your skill cooldown by 1%Cost: 780 Coins
2.Decrease your skill cooldown by 2%Cost: 1175 Coins
3.Decrease your skill cooldown by 3%Cost: 1875 CoinsRequires: Lv5
4.Decrease your skill cooldown by 4%Cost: 3200 CoinsRequires: Lv15
5.Decrease your skill cooldown by 5%Cost: 5750 CoinsRequires: Lv25
6.Decrease your skill cooldown by 6%Cost: 10 950 CoinsRequires: Lv35
7.Decrease your skill cooldown by 7%Cost: 21 875 CoinsRequires: Lv45
8.Decrease your skill cooldown by 18Cost: 45 950 CoinsRequires: Lv55
9.Decrease your skill cooldown by 10%Cost: 101 250 CoinsRequires: Lv80

Energy Upgrade: increases your maximum energy by n amount.

1.Increase your maximum energy by 2Cost: 780 Coins
2.Increase your maximum energy by 4Cost: 1175 Coins
3.Increase your maximum energy by 6Cost: 1875 CoinsRequires: Lv5
4.Increase your maximum energy by 8Cost: 3200 CoinsRequires: Lv15
5.Increase your maximum energy by 10Cost: 5750 CoinsRequires: Lv25
6.Increase your maximum energy by 12Cost: 10 950 CoinsRequires: Lv35
7.Increase your maximum energy by 14Cost: 21 875 CoinsRequires: Lv35
8.Increase your maximum energy by 16Cost: 45 950 CoinsRequires: Lv55
9.Increase your maximum energy by 20Cost: 101 250 CoinsRequires: Lv80

Critical Chance Upgrade: increase the chance to get crits with your skills by n%.

1.Increase your crit chance with skills by 0.5%Cost: 780 Coins
2.Increase your crit chance with skills by 1%Cost: 1175 Coins
3.Increase your crit chance with skills by 1.5%Cost: 1875 CoinsRequires: Lv5
4.Increase your crit chance with skills by 2%Cost: 3200 CoinsRequires: Lv15
5.Increase your crit chance with skills by 2.5%Cost: 5750 CoinsRequires: Lv25
6.Increase your crit chance with skills by 3%Cost: 10 950 CoinsRequires: Lv35
7.Increase your crit chance with skills by 3.5%Cost: 21 875 CoinsRequires: Lv35
8.Increase your crit chance with skills by 4%Cost: 45 950 CoinsRequires: Lv55
9.Increase your crit chance with skills by 5%Cost: 101 250 CoinsRequires: Lv80

Crit Multiplier Upgrade: increase the crit multiplier with skills by n%.

1.Increase your crit multiplier with skills by 2.5%Cost: 780 Coins
2.Increase your crit multiplier with skills by 5%Cost: 1175 Coins
3.Increase your crit multiplier with skills by 7.5%Cost: 1875 CoinsRequires: Lv5
4.Increase your crit multiplier with skills by 10%Cost: 3200 CoinsRequires: Lv15
5.Increase your crit multiplier with skills by 12.5%Cost: 5750 CoinsRequires: Lv25
6.Increase your crit multiplier with skills by 15%Cost: 10 950 CoinsRequires: Lv35
7.Increase your crit multiplier with skills by 17.5%Cost: 21 875 CoinsRequires: Lv35
8.Increase your crit multiplier with skills by 20%Cost: 45 950 CoinsRequires: Lv55
9.Increase your crit multiplier with skills by 25%Cost: 101 250 CoinsRequires: Lv80

7. The game modes

Now that we are done with the preparations, we can get to the actual game.
As mentioned above, there are three game modes, 1. Capture the flag (=CTF) 2. Domination 3.Team Deathmatch. First we will cover CTF, which is probably the most played mode today.


CTF is a game mode where there are two teams and the goal of the teams is to capture the enemy flag and bring it back to their base. When they have done this with the generic flag, the team gets 250 points. On the side of the scoreboard, you can see the score. When you kill an opponent, your team gets 5 points.
With the compass that you normally have in your ninth quick access slot you can track the opponent's or your own flag. The compass then points in the direction and above your inventory you can see how far away the flag is.
Now it sounds quite simple to capture flags but it is not. When you are in the enemy base and capture the flag it may seem quiet and peaceful, but when you come out of the enemy base a lot of enemies will try to kill you because they don't want to let your team get points, so teamwork and communication is very important. For example, if you agree with others that you come out on the right side and there are already 5 team members protecting you or fighting against the enemies, you have a chance to get to your base and capture the flag. Also it can be a good idea that the flag bearer is a specialization of the healing squad because he can heal himself a little bit in case of damage. Another tactic can be to collect the flag from the opponents when the opposing team has collected your flag because they are distracted trying to capture your flag.
What is also worth mentioning is how to capture a flag when you have arrived at your base with the enemy flag you just have to run to your flag and click on it. If your flag has just been captured by the enemy, you can't capture the flag yet, but you have to wait until the enemy flagholder has been killed. With the time the flag holders get more and more damage on the scoreboard appears then for example +10% which means that the respective flag holder now takes 110% damage [base damage (without influence of abilities): 100% plus additional damage: n%] in theory a flag holder could already have the flag so long that on the sideboard sometime 100% stands which means that he would now take twice the damage.
If you try to kill a flagholder on the field and bring the flag back to your base you have to kill the flagholder first. Logical but now watch out only killing the flagholder is not enough you have to click on the flag (which is dropped when the flagholder dies) and then it goes back to your base which happens automatically so you don't have to bring it back yourself but you click on it and it appears again at its place. But if someone was faster and clicked on the flag before you, he becomes the new flag holder and tries logically to bring the flag back to his base.
I hope that has the game principle only once roughly illuminated if you play a round, however, you will immediately recognize the points mentioned and the game results gradually logical will build up by itself.


Domination is also a wonderful mode but is not played that often.
Domination is quite easy but requires some attention.
The goal is to reach the 2000 points shown on the scoreboard.
You get points by conquering points.
If you have played TNT Wizards before, you will quickly understand the gameplay as it is quite similar.
When you enter a point (round circles of wool with flares in the middle) the point slowly turns the color of your team when you leave the point again.
The point turns gray again or gets the color of the enemy teams if they had already taken the point.
In any case, if you stop in the point and the point has completely changed to the color of your team, a countdown of 40s will start.
When the 40s are up and the point is not captured by the other team, the point will start giving your team 2 points every second if the circle is captured by the enemy team, of course the point will stop giving points.
On a map there are usually 5 points distributed which means if your team has the absolute dominance, your team could have a maximum of 10 points per second because [5x points; one point 2/s; 5*2/s = 10/s]. When you die, you can choose where to resurrect using the compass. You can only resurrect at the points currently occupied by your team, otherwise you could resurrect at a point belonging to the enemy team and simply capture it.
If you and an opponent are standing in a point at the same time, it will remain gray or in the color of the team that had taken this point before.

Team Deathmatch:

Deathmatch is the easiest mode of the three to explain.
Where before you had to worry about flags and circles, in this mode you can fully concentrate on the slaughter.
The task is to stay alive and kill enemies. Through kills, you make points.
The first team that has 1000 points wins.
If you play this mode with a larger group of 4 people or more you can come up with very good combinations in this mode like for example in the first row two Berserkers or Avengers and in the back row on the outside an Aquamancer and an Eartwarden to provide healing and in the middle in the second row a Pyromancer or Thunderlord that can weaken enemies already at range. The melee fighters in the first row can eliminate them. If it gets tight, you still have the healers, who keep the whole troop alive.
Of course you can also make absolute combinations not like here a very balanced combination.
Theoretically you could also start as a berserker and simply overrun the enemy team.
This game mode is a great way to play and it is made for excellent combinations and strategies if you have several people to play this mode with.
These were the game modes that let us move on to the next component.

8. When you are in the game, a few tips on how to get better
Under development

In this section, everyday playing tips, but also special scenarios, so to speak, are acted out to make it easier to understand how one should act in a situation.
First some general tips.

  • You can, if you are playing mage and want to capture the flag, use your time warp just before you get to the flag and run with time warp to the flag, click on it and you will be teleported back by the time warp effect, this can be very useful if the flag is guarded by players.
  • If you have the flag, it can be helpful to collect the speed power-ups which give 40% more speed can logically be very useful to run away from the enemies and to get to your base faster.
  • Domination: If you know the maps, this is helpful and profitable, as you can then take points faster etc. If you agree with your teammates and you agree that all players share all 5 points, this can quickly overwhelm the enemy team.
  • more will follow soon

9. Weapon smith & Weapon System

If anyone is wondering why the weapon system and weaponsmith comes after the classes and game modes is the following reason, you own broken weapons only after you have played a few rounds. Therefore, do not be surprised that this lobby stuff comes only here.

Classes, subclasses 3 of each class, 3 game modes, if this is still not enough and you still feel bored no problem now comes the weaponsmith and on top of that the weapon system which is also a bit difficult to understand.View attachment 2870363
First of all it is important to say that there are two currencies, Magic Dust and Void Shards.
When you have played a few rounds you will get "broken weapons" and "enchanted broken weapons" (with enchanted broken weapons the chance of getting a Legendary or Epic weapon is higher) these weapons can be repaired (to do this go to the Weaponsmith and click on the upper right field). If you have a rank you can repair all weapons automatically (only if you have more than 10 broken weapons, otherwise you just have to click on the weapons and they will be repaired repairs cost nothing and are free).
When you have repaired your weapons go back to the main menu of the weaponsmith now click on the upper right field to scrap your just repaired weapons, (Wow how logical...) to
squeeze the materials out of the weapons which in this case can only be Magic Dust or Void Shards. Of course you want a weapon suitable for your class, there are no simple weapons, there are customized weapons at the end of a weapon name stands (weapon name is built as follows: %adjective% %weapon name% of the %specialization%) always for which class this weapon is suitable.
As a start I would say a rare weapon that fits to your specialization is enough.
This means that if you have selected Aquamancer as your specialization, you want a weapon that ends with Aquamancer. If the class and the weapon ending match you get an extra buff that always affects your main ability for example for Aquamancer: You do 9% more damage with your Water Bolts. Later you can also craft weapons, but since you don't have many materials yet, this method is only worthwhile later.
However, for later I will explain you how to craft weapons.
To craft weapons, go to the main menu of the Weaponsmith and click on the item in the top center.
Now another menu appears, with the items in the top row you can make weapons, far left rare weapons in the middle epic and far right legendary.
(Watch out! When you craft weapons, you automatically craft a weapon for the specialization you are using, so make sure you have selected the specialization you want the weapon for).
At the bottom right of the bookshelf you can buy your Legendary Weapons "Skill Boosts" this function is only available for Legendary Weapons and costs Void Shards.
On the item in the middle below you can permanently strengthen your Epic Weapons for this you have to spend Mystery Dust and some of your Weapons Stats will be improved you can do this twice for one Weapon.
On the enchantment table you can upgrade your Legendary Weapons just like with the Epic Weapons but now you have to spend Void Shards instead of Mystery Dust.
(Please be careful! You have to select the weapon you want to upgrade or it will not be upgraded!)
When you are back in the main menu of the weaponsmith you can have a look at the lower right field where you can still roll your weapon stats if you are lucky.
Sometimes you are lucky and the damage increases and "only" your energy is reduced.
You have to imagine that stats of your weapon will be worsened but at the same time some will be improved if you are very unlucky more stats will be worsened and vice versa.
The weapon stats roll costs depending on the rarity of the weapon either Magic Dust or Void Shards or you roll your stats with coins which is not really recommended because you save your coins especially on class improvements.
In general I would say it is not really worth it to roll at the beginning, if you want to do it you can do it you just have to be lucky. But this is rather recommendable if you have legendary weapons when there is no other way to improve your weapon.
When you are back in the main menu of the weaponsmith click on
the second item in the bottom row. In this menu you can select your weapons if you have more than one.
By right clicking on a weapon you can bind your weapon.
This means that if you have, for example, two specializations and two weapons, you don't want to change your weapon every time you change your specialization. So you select a specialization and the matching weapon and right-click the matching weapon. Every time you select this specialization the weapon you have bound is automatically selected, this is especially useful when you play multiple weapons or specializations.
(Again, make sure you have selected the correct class and are using the correct weapon).

10. Some further information about the resource package

To play, you need the Hypixel Warlords Resource Pack. You can also play without it which is not recommended. It will download automatically when you enter the Warlords lobby, depending on your server settings. Make sure these are set to "Enabled". If you have problems, type /resourcehelp in the game. To get the resource pack again, type /resource. It is also recommended to install Optifine to reduce lag, increase FPS (frames per second) and improve resource compatibility. If you have problems, join another wl lobby or restart your game.
If nothing helps, you can also download the recource package here on my official website and move it to the recource package folder. If you have difficulties with recource packets and %appdata% and so on watch a video about recource packets.
Link to my website
View attachment 2873188

11. Abbreviations in Warlords

Some abbreviations in Warlords:View attachment 2870366

CTF - Capture the flag

TDM - Team Deatchmatch also refered to killing the enemy team instead of trying to capture their flag
Cap - capture (In the sense of collecting the opponent's flag Example: can you cap the opponent's flag?)
ret - That when a member of the opposing team is holding your flag (you can see it on top of their head and by some particles the color of flag being held), you help killing them and click the flag so it returns to your base, so that they cannot capture the flag and get 250 points or your team can cap it and get the 250 points. Example: can someone ret
spec - spezialisation
pick - usually said when the enemy has your flag and can't be returned in time, so someone needs to pick it before it gets capped

12. Some useful commands

  • /resourcehelp - This gives you information about receiving the resource pack and troubleshooting.
  • /resource - This attempts to re-send you the resource pack.
  • /newcontrol - Toggles the ability to select/use the # slot of your skill, rather than right-clicking to use it.
  • /disabledamagemessages - This stops the attack and healing chat messages in-game.
  • /disablehints - Disables in-game tips
  • /particlequality off or /particlequality extreme Sets the particle quality to off or super extreme.

This Post is part of #PlayWarlordsAgain
Copyrights © 2022 Schleimfresse
Warlords is a game by Hypixel inc.​

[GUIDE] Warlords a massive guide for beginners and experienced players (2024)
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