Nikola Tesla's Free Energy vs Federal Reserve - Titanic's Demise by Torpedo As His Financier for Wardenclyffe John J Astor Dies On The Ship While JP Morgan Fails To Board (2024)

Nikola Tesla's Free Energy vs Federal Reserve - Titanic's Demise by Torpedo As His Financier for Wardenclyffe John J Astor Dies On The Ship While JP Morgan Fails To Board (1)

Nikola Tesla's Worldwide Wireless Free Energy vs Federal Reserve - On Titanic's Demise by Torpedo As His Financier for the Wardenclyffe Tower, John J Astor, Dies On The Ship While JP Morgan Fails To Board

Nikola Tesla On Titanic's Demise by Torpedo As John J Astor Dies On The Ship

April 14th 1912 John Jacob Astor Dies On The Titanic



Jack Astor backed, with other entrepreneurs (such as J.P. Morgan), the Westinghouse Niagara Falls Commission contract. This project worked off the designs devised by Nikola Tesla. Work began in 1893 on the Niagara Falls generation project. In 1897, he built the Astoria Hotel adjoining the Waldorf Hotel that had been built by his cousin, William Waldorf Astor (1848-1918), and the complex then became known as the Waldorf=Astoria Hotel. John Jacob Astor IV - Academic Kids

Nikola Tesla's Worldwide Wireless "Free Energy" vs Federal Reserve "Fiat Currency" circa 1913. In 1912, Nikola Tesla's final patent for his Wardenclyffe Tower was approved; 5 years after it was filed in 1907. But, it was "too late". See Margaret Cheney's book "Man Out Of Time". Just prior to that in 1906, Nikola Tesla's designer for the Wardenclyffe Tower, Stanford White, was assassinated in front of 100 witnesses at an elite party atop the Madison Square Garden. Then, JP Morgan caused the banking collapse of 1907, that started just months after an article appeared in the press on "Tuned Lightning" for long distance wireless power transmission. That collapse it what bankrupted Westinghouse and Tesla. JP Morgan then bailed out the U.S. Government with $500M of his own cash. You know, still the largest banking house in the U.S.; who's clients were regular visitors at Epstein Island! Who later merged to create JP Morgan-Chase, with Chase Manhattan, that was caught funding Hitler. That event was like the movie "Trading Places", but they were using copper, instead of orange juice. And, the bad-guys won. Anaconda Copper vs United Copper. February 27th 1909 Letters: Tesla struggles to complete his Wardenclyffe Plant. In the next act, JP Morgan, Rockefeller et al. sunk the Titanic to kill Nikola Tesla's financieer, John J Astor; as they had later done to Vanderbilt by sinking the Lusitania in 1915 with a... torpedo. John Astor’s Wife was a witness to the FBI describing her invitation to see Nikola Tesla's remote controlled, and wirelessly powered, boat presentation in 1899, and described that knew of all of his works up until 1910. She was interviewed as a known associate of Nikola Tesla, as reported in the Tesla FBI File. Even after Nikola Tesla had warned them all as early as 1898 not to take trips on large ships. Citing Nikola Tesla's article "A Submarine Destroyer That Really Destroys - And Without A Soul On Board To Guide It." stating "My remote control torpedo would make junk of large ships". Think Pearl Harbor. Remote control tanks, planes and ships called "Teletanks" were all available and used in WW2. WW1 would start soon after the sinking of the Titanic and the creation of the Federal Reserve. By July 4th 1917, the U.S. government seized the Wardenclyffe Tower and demolished it, citing the trading with the enemy act and claiming that German spies could use the tower for wartime "espionage".

The newpapers reporting "JP Morgan & Marconi failed to board the Titanic"; while a Rockefeller owned ship, the Carpathia, was the royal mail ship that was "nearby" and allegedly picked up the survivors. Later, on July 17, 1918, Off the southern coast of Ireland, the Carpathia was struck by three torpedoes from a German U-boat and sank. Reported by me years ago, that the Tesla/Marconi Telefunken Station; also siezed and demolished in 1914, was the tower communicating with the Titanic. But, it has been discovered that the Telefunken Tower could also operate as a ship tracker, as remote control, and even wireless power, that would be capable of directing a wireless controlled torpedo to the Titianc to destroy it.

There was also an unknown 3rd tower, called the Tuckerton Station; that Nikola Tesla cited in his 1919 Autobiography "My Inventions" stating "I wanted to dispel a rumor in the press that the government had destroyed my towers... they were making more of them"; that was also in existance at the time, and very well could have been used for triangulation of ships or planes and for other purposes. The Vanderbilt's (Anderson Cooper) are the ones that owned the property of the Wardendclyffe Site; and would later sue Nikola Tesla for back rent on the property. All of the materials from the Wardenclyffe Site are still missing including "1000 (wired and wireless) lights, each one demonstrating a uniuqe scientific phenomena". Citing the court case entitle'd "Wardenclyffe Appeal" in 1922. The entrance to the room containing these 1000 points of lights is pictured, but hard to find, in existing images of the inside of the Wardenclyffe Lab building.

Not only that J.P. Morgan cancelled his trip, but also on board was John Jacob Astor - a richest man at that time ... and a very good friend of Tesla. He believed in all the Tesla's patents, the one that he was planning on investing after the Titanic trip was Tesla's Flying Machine (that was still in the time when they didn't have any commercial flights). John Astor also believed in Tesla's Wardenclyffe and was fully prepared to invest his fortune for the benefit of all mankind, Astor was keen in replacing our oil based fuel for more eco-friendly source of energy... in another words ALL of the Tesla patents that never been made into an actual machine including Tesla's Wardenclyffe would be functional even today if Astor haven't died on the Titanic!

However, the likely scenario is that JP Morgan and Rockefeller had their enemies put on the Titanic, and diverted that ship, then they were all tortured and killed. The sister-ship called the Olympic was the ship that was acutually sunk for Insurance and as a diversion.

November 13th 1898 "My torpedo would make junk of large ships" - Nikola Tesla. The Maine in Havana Harbor could have been destroyed by an Edison wired torpedo or Tesla's wireless remote control torpedo. Tesla admitted in a separate article that his remote controlled torpedo was actually available to the U.S. Government a year earlier, in 1897.

By January 1903, prior to the roll-out of Radio to the public, underwater wired communications was already available all the way to China. Presidential letters confirm that this conspiracy was the cause of stock market crashes and even wars. The Atlantic submarine telegraph cable was completed in July of 1866

1901-1907 The early destruction of Radio technology by stock market manipulators: -- By 1911-1912 the Telefunken (Tesla/Marconi) Station was built.

By 1912 it was the station communicating with the Titanic. Radio intercepts by spies and a torpedo likely doomed the Titanic. John J Astor, Tesla's financier in his Colorado Springs wireless experiments died on the ship, while JP Morgan and Marconi conspicuously failed to board,2817,2402893,00.asp -- Later, the Telefunken Station was allegedly tapped by spies. The Tin Barrels with Wax Paper tapping device is still available at the Library of Congress. The spies claimed the station was sending out war communications. The same year Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower was ceased by the U.S. secret service and demolished on July 4th 1917, the Telefunken station was also ceased by the U.S. secret service and demolished by the U.S. Army.

This is the Tesla/Marconi Station by the German company Telefunken/AEG/AEG Live at Sayville, Long Island that was supposedly communicating with the Titanic at the time it sunk. But, radio waves are also designed to direct Automation Torpedoes to their target. The station used ULF radio waves (like a giant guitar) designed to communicate and send power to submarines as far south as South America and Australia.

Urban Explorers "Telefunken" TohNevo Urban Exploring: Telefunken - YouTube -- Titanic: The final messages from a stricken ship

Nikola Tesla being friends of the Vanderbilt family (who owned the Wardenclyffe Tower property, and eventually foreclosed on the property in 1922, now owned by Anderson Cooper), warned Vanderbilt's grandson "not to board the Lusitania". It sunk in 17 minutes from a single German U-boat or Submarine torpedo.

Nikola Tesla's Death Ray: Ignition of coal or fuel on board ships, the Titanic, using electric waves. Many thought the explosion was caused by an electrical spark and the discussion was about the origin of the ignition. As airplanes or ships entered the electric field of his charged tower they would set up a conducting path for a stream of high energy particles that would destroy the intruder’s electrical system.

Did J.P. Morgan Build the Titanic to Kill Off the Competition and Form the Federal Reserve? The Coincidences Are Amazing.

In 1898 a man named Morgan Robertson penned a book titled "Wreck of the Titan" about a luxury liner deemed unsinkable that was going too fast in the North Atlantic in April and hit and iceberg killing most everyone on board due to lack of lifeboats.

14 years later this fictional book would play out in real life exactly down to the name, with the wreck of the Titanic; but this time it would have major political implications. Some of the wealthiest men in the world were on that ship and some were opposed to the Federal Reserve and central banks.

FACT: JP Morgan funded/built the Titanic

FACT: JP Morgan was booked on the voyage but canceled at the last second.

FACT: Friend of JP Morgan, Milton Hersey, also canceled at the last moment and survived to build the Hersey food empire.

FACT: There were no red flares on board to signal to any boats for rescue. Only white flares that signal a party and that everything is okay.

FACT: It was the first ship of its kind with the ability to seal decks electromagnetically which could also seal people below deck.

FACT: The Captain Edward Smith was one of the most decorated Captains of his time and would have been totally out of character by avoiding precautions.

FACT: The author of the book was poisoned to death a couple years after the Titanic sank.

FACT: The Federal Reserve was formed the very next year.

FACT: The Astor Family was one of the richest families in the world and John Astor III opposed the Federal Reserve.

John Jacob Astor IV, the richest man in the world at the time, a friend of Nikola Tesla, and an outspoken opponent of the creation of the Federal Reserve. Astor gained his wealth, in part, as a real estate builder, investor, and inventor. Other prominent Federal Reserve detractors, such as Benjamin Guggenheim and Isa Strauss, also died on board.

Did JP Morgan get the idea of how to kill off the opposition to the Federal Reserve from a book written 14 years prior? This was a book titled "The Titan" published 14 years before the Titanic sank and look at the similarities.

Did they hatch a plan at Jekyll Island to build a ship to eliminate the competition?

Similarities to the Titanic

Although the novel was written before the Olympic-class Titanic had even been designed, there are some remarkable similarities between the fictional and real-life counterparts. Like the Titanic, the fictional ship sank in April in the North Atlantic, and there were not enough lifeboats for the passengers. There are also similarities between the size (800 ft long for Titan versus 882 ft 9 in long for the Titanic), speed (25 knots for Titan, 21 knots for Titanic) and life-saving equipment.

Beyond the name, the similarities between the Titanic and the fictional Titan include:

Described as "unsinkable"

The Titanic was the world's largest luxury liner (882 feet, displacing 63,000 long tons), and was once described as being practically "unsinkable". The Titan was the largest craft afloat and the greatest of the works of men (800 feet, displacing 75,000 tons), and was considered "unsinkable".

Shortage of lifeboats

The Titanic carried only 16 lifeboats, plus 4 Engelhardt folding lifeboats,less than half the number required for her passenger capacity of 3000. The Titan carried "as few as the law allowed", 24 lifeboats, less than half needed for her 3000 capacity.

Struck an iceberg

Moving too fast at 22½ knots,the Titanic struck an iceberg on the starboard side on the night of April 14, 1912 in the North Atlantic 400 miles away from Newfoundland. Also on an April night, in the North Atlantic 400 miles from Newfoundland (Terranova), the Titan hit an iceberg while traveling at 25 knots, also on the starboard side.


The unsinkable Titanic sank, and more than half of her 2200 passengers died. The indestructible Titan also sank, more than half of her 2500 passengers drowning. Went down bow first, the Titan actually capsizing before it sank.


Animal House: Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor - YouTube

Did the Germans Bomb Pearl Harbor with Remote Controlled Aircraft?

SNIP: 2003 documents declassified by UK Warfare Ministry reveal that in Oct. 1941 the pro-Nazi Jean Paul Getty employed and lodged Nazis at his Pierre Hotel in New York City; Nazis who were involved in spying on and sabotaging Allied Forces war production plants. An employee at the Getty owned Pierre Hotel in New York City wondered why there were so many Germans being hired and staying at The Pierre during World War II. He called the FBI and the FBI charged J.P. Getty with Espionage, FBI File 100.1202, June 26, 1940. It was the job of the FBI in peace and in war to root out internal enemies of the USA. The FBI report refers to Getty s alliance with Goring, Goebbels & Hitler. FBI reported in 1942; that the Getty owned Spartan Aircraft Company which was the world's largest aeronautical school trained Nazis in Florida to become pilots during WWII even Pearl Harbor was attacked. 43,000 people were killed in the UK while J. Paul Getty was in Berlin still shipping oil to Hitler five months before Pearl Harbor; December 7, 1941.*ckin-Gavin-Newsom-Grant-MacDonald/dp/B010GFYFKE

Tex was also program coordinator and remote control pilot for the Navy remote-controlled F-7F twin engine fighter. This test consisted of Johnston demonstrating the performance of the F-7F via remote control atop a station mounted on top of a truck. Johnston, Alvin “Tex” : National Aviation Hall of Fame

In the research community the first automata were probably GreyWalter's machina (1940's) and the John's Hopkins beast. Teleoperatedor remote controlled devices had been built even earlier with at leastthe first radio controlled vehicles built by Nikola Tesla in the1890's. Tesla is better known as the inventor of the induction motor,AC power transmission, and numerous other electrical devices. Teslahad also envisioned smart mechanisms that were as capable as humans.An excellent biography of Tesla is Margaret Cheney's Tesla, man out oftime, Published by Prentice-Hall, c1981.
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Nikola Tesla's Free Energy vs Federal Reserve - Titanic's Demise by Torpedo As His Financier for Wardenclyffe John J Astor Dies On The Ship While JP Morgan Fails To Board (2)

Hitler didn't use chemical weapons in war, but Russia and the Allies did! -- 1) Russia used their "Teletank" & "Teleplanes", the remote control, 50 caliber, flame-throwing tank against Hitler. The flame-throwers use Hydrazine, a chemical weapon manufactured by Tesla methods, the pre-cursor to Napalm. Manufacturing Hydrazine

2) The U.S., Great Britain used "Operation Thunderclap", which used conventional bombs, metal chaff and chemicals to create a "Fire-storm" against German cities. Later, fire-storming was used against Japanese cities, to make it appear like an "Atomic Bomb", but was actually conventional munitions. Nikola Tesla's FBI file, pats written by John G Trump, reveals Tesla's work with chemical and gaseous mixtures + Helium/Hydrogen "Fusion" “Hiroshima was attacked by a small number of Superforts at 8:20 a.m. Monday,” the newspaper said, referring to the U.S. B-29 Superfortress bomber. “The enemy dropped explosives and (incendiaries). Damage is now being investigated.”

Updated Apr 11, 2017, 3:51 PM

History of Remote Control Bombers ft Operation Aphrodite

November 1st 2010 The Remote Control Bombers. A converted B-17 used in Aphrodite and a sequence of photos from a test of the remotely controlled bomber. What we now call unmanned aerial vehicles or remotely piloted aircraft were earlier simply called pilotless aircraft. They were of immediate interest to the American military services. Considerable effort was made with autonomous cruise missiles presaging the Nazi V-1 as early as World War I, when the famous Kettering Bug was built and tested. In the post World War I years, both the US and Great Britain experimented with full-size aircraft flown under remote control, but the most successful efforts were those inspired by the Hollywood character actor Reginald Denny, whose line of radio-controlled target drones frustrated American gunners for years. His Radioplane firm manufactured more than 17,000 target drones, all flown with reasonable precision under radio control from the ground. The US Navy conducted radio-control experiments during the 1930s, during which the aircraft, a Curtiss N2C-2, was controlled from the air by a mother aircraft. The AAF adopted the concept and subsequently flew Culver PQ-8 and PQ-14 target drones usually flown from a Beech C-45 mothership. Two television cameras were set up to allow a view of the main instrument panel and the ground to be transmitted to the mother ship, and radio remote-control equipment developed for the Azon guided bomb was installed. The entire aircraft was then packed with 20,000 pounds of the powerful British Torpex explosive. This changed the center of gravity and the flying characteristics of the drone. Anticipating bailout in about 10 minutes, Kennedy turned control of the BQ-8 over to the mother ship, which had completed one turn by remote control when something detonated the Torpex. The BQ-8 and its crew disappeared in a blinding flash of light, with scattered wreckage falling over Blythburgh, in Suffolk. More than 50 people were injured on the ground.

Nikola Tesla warned that a few squadrons of drone aircraft with remote control or autonomous torpedo's could destroy an entire naval fleet. He was proven right in 1941.

Prior to World War II and the attack on Pearl Harbor, in 1935 Nikola Tesla sent an elaborate technical paper, including diagrams, to a number of allied nations including the United States, Canada, England, France, the Soviet Union, and Yugoslavia, titled “New Art of Projecting Concentrated Non-Dispersive Energy Through Natural Media.” (link). The paper provided the first technical description of what is today called a charged particle beam weapon. Tesla was directly communicating with the U.S. government and Prime Minster Chamberlain of Great Britain in an effort to promote his particle beam for defense against enemy aerial attacks. “[In] eight years I developed a new title using 50 of my patents of which one third are not applied. In the system there are no electrons. Energy goes into the same direction without any distribution [dissipation] and the same on all sides of distance. It contains neutrons. [In] the air [its size] is equal to a diameter of hydrogen. It can destroy the largest ships afloat. There is unlimited distance of travel. The same is for airplanes… The contents of one bomb can be exploded in the air. I add that in the station one must have a small generator or battery of 30 volts for activation…” "Same construction like at Wardenclyffe and only 20 meters high - a ball five meters in diameter - the station would be using diesel oil for energy with mechanical action - my air turbines, steam powered, electrically or other manners of transforming into alternating electrical current with sixty billion volts pressure without danger… There will not be any light, electrical energy will deliver particles through space with the speed of 118,837,370,000 centimeters per second. This is 394,579 the speed of light. As I said about airplanes it can be used for tanks, trucks, automobiles and various machines in factories, with hydro-electrical wheels and unlimited other machines. The particles can be larger than that of the diameter of an Hydrogen atom with metals of all kinds of materials and sent to all distances and good results in war and bring about peace. Particles are practical with neutrons, because, they are 3,723 times lighter than electricity or electrons that cannot penetrate space for great distances. In my attempts with an effective 20 million volts, electrons carried 40 times more electricity than normally and penetrated two meters in depth and terrible damage in a moment each.” –Nikola Tesla (Western Union Telegram from Nikola Tesla to his nephew Sava Kosanovic. New York, N.Y. March 1 and March 4, 1941.). Tesla's 1934-40 Death Ray for Planes & Teleforce -- Tesla tried to prevent World War II. He also could have prevented the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Nikola Tesla's Free Energy vs Federal Reserve - Titanic's Demise by Torpedo As His Financier for Wardenclyffe John J Astor Dies On The Ship While JP Morgan Fails To Board (2024)
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